Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Sorry I haven't been updating lately; my apologies.
I'd like to update my personal progress. From the time I have started this site, I weighed 167.6 pounds. Currently I weigh 127.8. I'm not at the size I'd like to be for sure. However I'm proud to say that I did lose that much.
My 'starving partner', Stephanie, has lost over 50 pounds! So three cheers to her for that. I'd also like to share my diet plan as of now. I eat 6 tiny meals a day, because the more you eat throughout the day is proved to keep your metabolism at an even and steady pace.
Breakfast: 150-200 calories
Meal #2: 50-75 calories
Meal #3: 75-100 calories
Lunch: 250-300 calories
Meal #5: 50-75 calories
Dinner: 300-450 calories
At the most, I'll eat 1,200 calories a day. As a sort of 'punishment' for eating 1,200 in a day, I'll do my usual workout plan:
15 minutes of cardio
2 minutes of body planks
3 minutes wall sits
250 crunches
20 pushups (I have terrible arm muscles)
and on the weekends, a 4 A/M jog for 30 minutes.
However, if I eat the minimum amount of calories (875), then as an award for eating so little, I only have to do the morning jog on the weekends, and the 15 minute cardio. If you hate working out as much as I do, this reward and punishment system works wonders for weight loss programs.
I also highly recommend keeping every detail of what you ate, how many calories, fat grams, and carb grams of each day recorded in a food diary or journal. Being well organized will help the whole cause. You can always fill your journal or book with skinny models and inspirational quotes.
Remember, stay skinny and stay healthy!
Staying Strong,

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